Beet kvass. Beet Kvass is a traditional drink that contains probiotics and enzymes. It is said to purify the blood, boost energy and improve liver function. Making beet kvass is

Danggui Chicken soup当归参鸡汤. Packaged Herbs. 福华泡参虫草当归鸡精. 功效:益气 补血 暖身 补肾 增强抵抗力 适合寒冬季节。对身体虚弱者、经后女性、血气不足、血瘀体质者较为合适。 不适合经期过多者和有出血倾向者,也不适宜常喝。 A super simple one-pot chicken udon soup that guarantees maximum satisfaction with beautifully seared chicken, rich soup,