Recipe: Delicious Cinnamon sugar churros and latte

Cinnamon sugar churros and latte. Churros are made from a super easy choux pastry that when piped into hot oil, turns into something magical and delicious. If you've lived a delicious life, then I'm sure you've been blessed to have eaten churros Churro-making is reserved for those special occasions because they require a bit of hot oil. Churros can be found in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, and even right here in the United States… yet I'd never had them until this week (is that a crime?).

Cinnamon sugar churros and latte Serve these cinnamon-sweet Churros, or Mexican doughnuts, with cafe con leche for an indulgent coffee break. Add flour, all at once, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon. Churros With Cinnamon Sugar With Sugar, Ground Cinnamon, Salt, Whole Milk, Crisco Butter Flavor All-vegetable Shortening, Sugar, Salt, Pillsbury Best All Combine all Cinnamon Sugar ingredients in medium bowl using a wire whisk. You can have Cinnamon sugar churros and latte using 1 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Cinnamon sugar churros and latte

  1. It’s of Coffee and churros.

COMBINE milk, shortening, sugar and salt in in medium. Calling all Mexican food fans for a 'Churro' Breakfast!! A Churro is a fried dough pastry, similar to choux paste. This recipe to me is the best Churros recipe because it's soft and moist on the inside and super crunchy on the outside.

Cinnamon sugar churros and latte instructions

  1. Make churros and coat with cinnamon sugar.

To begin making the Churros Recipe With Cinnamon & Sugar. Try these easy cinnamon sugar churros using your Air Fryer to cook. The churros were amazing: sweet and sticky, crunchy outside and chewy inside. I had two orders and I made my friend take me to the same cart every day for the rest of my time there. The churros are made of a basic light pastry dough, a.k.a. choux pastry.